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Australia's Best Wholesale Protein Ball Producers

02 June 2022

Protein balls, health balls, vegan balls, goodie balls, treat balls, paleo balls, gluten free balls, yogurt dipped balls and many other cafe balls have become a staple on most cafe or food service front counters. It's not too often you don't see a couple of jars or boxes popped up next the till.

Why do cafe owners sell some kind of 'protein ball'? Because they are a healthy quick serve option. Most cafes have more chance selling a protein ball with a coffee over any other early morning snack. It's a guilt free, energy boosting snack. It doesn't have to be protein balls, it can be natural health balls just made of loads of goodness.

Do cafe balls offer business owners a decent margin? Depends on what type of ball you buy, the brand, the quantity and who your distributor is. Most of our brands sit between 60-40% profit margin for business owners. The reason for this is; we make sure our pricing is 'sharp', we make sure we can deliver our protein balls Australia wide free of charge, we also offer quantity discounts putting more money in your back pocket!! Coffee Box Beverages is the highest profit margin ball we have, these guys understand that cafes need to make money!!

Why you should offer a coffee & ball deal? Deals increase your average till receipt. If you're always selling a $4.50 coffee and you can change that to $6.50 - $7.00 sale how would that help your business? This is a great way to introduce healthy quick serve snacks. Offer some tasting samples, it's a great way to trigger your customers taste buds!!

At Good Food Warehouse we work really hard to source some of Australia's best ball producers. Protein Balls are just one of the many Cafe favourites. They are convenient, delicious and can help business owners provide a simple healthy treat.

Like to know a bit more about our other Cafe Ball Producers?

Here is a link to the complete range - you'll find everything you need. If you don't please just Live Chat Online, our Team will be more than happy to help. You'll also see loads of options listed below.

At Good Food Warehouse we are; Conveniently Simple - Instant Ordering - Free Delivery - Best Price and Service Guaranteed!!

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